Sunday 7 March 2010

You know, if the HM were to come to me later today and ask me to go back to Mayfield, where my family and I spent 13 very happy, if challenging, years, I would politely decline. Not just because at 58 I can't run around that vast edifice as I once could, but because both Mrs C and I absolutely lerv the Newtonian age.

There is, however, as I explained 'very clearly' to the residents last night, just one area where Mayfield scores over Newton, and that is the fact that 12 and 13 year old boys can sit for up to two hours in front of a film and remain practically comatose for the duration. 10 and 11 year olds, it seems, here at least, can't. They spend their time running from one TV set to the other, chatting throughout, making it well-nigh impossible for those who want to watch the film to hear a thing, and then a handful will make for their dorms and engage in all manner of recidivism, from pillow-fighting to scattering the belongings of other around the room, etc., etc. I think (no, I know, before any of you write in to remind me) I must be getting old. But really! Perhaps last night's unruliness was a result of their contentedness in being well again. Yes, perhaps that's it. I must be charitable. And they are only young. And we do want them to have a nice time here. Would my own children (and if any of you uttered the word 'grandchildren' at that point, watch it) be just the same? Yes, of course they would. So it's me, then. Of course it is. I should have realised.

More good scholarship news arrived yesterday: it's proving to be a(nother) good year, and I'm so pleased for Mr BT that that is the case. Let's hope the good tidings continue to roll in.

I've often wondered if anyone from without reads this blog. If you do, and you're out there somewhere, I'd be delighted to hear from you. It must be fascinating, discovering the sort of thing that goes on here! I know it's read around the world, in all sorts of locations, but that's by members of the extended SF family, and I suspect that there are some corners of the globe where one wouldn't expect it to be read. So do let me know!

1 comment:

  1. You will no doubt be delighted to hear that your blog is read as far afield even as North Norfolk...! As the previous inhabitant, I am full of admiration (or should that be surprise?) that you manage to have the time to keep everyone informed of what's going on on a daily basis!

    All best wishes to Newton 2009-10
