Thursday 18 March 2010

I think I'm getting old. Tonight, Mrs C and I, enjoying a night off, were practising for our retirement evenings in two years' time by watching 'A Place in the Sun', beset by thumping and banging from above and around. Well, you see, there's only so much of that that one's patience can endure, so, in the end I stormed up the stairs and vented my spleen. It can't have been too bad a performance, as I was applauded by Dr Dean and Miss Chloe when I came downstairs, and I was asked whether I needed a glass of water. I declined such a kind offer, in view of the fact that I had seen enough water in the upstairs bathroom to sink a battleship. (Actually that little bit of fig. lang. almost works, surprisingly.)

Anyway, they're all very quiet now, I can assure you, and I'm sure they will all sleep well. Quite whether they will want to see me in the morning is anyone's guess.

No, they probably won't.

Oh don't worry: they'll get over it.

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