Sunday 7 February 2010

Well that's a relief! To judge from the wonderfully supportive comments of tonight, it seems that there are a few members of the Newton community who do indeed blog-log each night, or at least from time to time, so I'll keep turning the mangle.

Wasn't Mr Little teriffic? I thought he spoke wonderfully, and I was hugely impressed when I had the privilege of one-on-ones with him and with his delightful wife, Jenny, over a lovely buffet supper. No wonder he got the job. He's smart, diplomatic, careful and intellectually challenging - and I thought he was great.

Mr Bryan's barrister wife, Sophie, is expecting their second child at any time now. All very exciting, and, as I have reassured Matt, it's a nail-biting but wonderful time. I remember it well - as will many of you, dear Followers. Anyway, I want only to be supportive at this juncture, so I have let Mr Bryan know that I am on hand to accompany him to Majestic Wine at any time, in order to select an appropriate fizz for the Great Event. You could never accuse me of not caring. I'll keep you posted about all this.

Until tomorrow.

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