Wednesday 24 February 2010

Still no news from chez Bryan, although I think things are progressing. I should have news for you tomorrow, apparently, and I'll be sure to let you know what happens.

The Red Choir sang Evensong in New College Chapel this evening, and once again I was privileged to act as the organist. All went very well, although things nearly came adrift in the middle of the anthem when my dear page-turner became rather over-enthusiastic and turned two pages at once. It's not often one has to 'vamp' in New College! Still, it was only for a couple of bars - although I suspect that my imperfections are being dissected in another bar as I type.

Boy Heaven tonight. Chelsea versus Inter-something-or-other (not sure how you can actually be 'inter' a place if you come from that place in the first, er, place. To my knowledge 'inter' means 'between' or 'among', as in 'inter alia', or 'agricola puellas inter villas videt'. So does this team come from 'between Milan'? I would have thought that to come from 'between' somewhere, there'd have to be somewhere else. Ah well, football continues to be a source of mysery (oops, now there's a Freudian error ..) to me. However, to continue my celestial detail: computer games for the faithful few, 'Ordinary TV' for some, cookies for the piggies and fruit for all.

'It' was towels and flannels this morning. I coped with that with consummate ease. Now that's progress.

1 comment:

  1. Inter, as in Inter Milan, is short for Internazionale, as opposed to AC Milan, the other Milan club. Both were founded by English ex-patriots, which is why they are called Milan and not Milano. Lots of football clubs around the world have English names, like Athletic Bilbao and Grasshoppers Zurich, reflecting the fact that the English exported football to the world.
