Monday 8 February 2010

Thank you, Dr Harskin, for pointing out my typographical inexactitude. Solent reading would be a rather soggy affair. However, I was, as always, outdone by my son, in a Facebook message from Tokyo, in which he tells me that he needs a bank account in order to get paid. Or he would have done, if he hadn't misjudged where the letter 'p' is on his keyboard and typed the letter 'l' instead. (At least, I hope that's the case.)

Mr Bryan, who is still awaiting the imminent arrival of his second heir(ess), was discussing with me just now, following what was obviously a pleasant evening while Mrs C and I watched Holby, whom we would choose if we were to select a 'Head of House'. We're not going to, so don't get excited. Nor am I going to disclose any names that were mentioned, either!

H'm. Methinks I hear a rumpus from next door. Not for long!

Bonne nuit.

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