Wednesday 3 February 2010

I don't know about you, my dear band of loyal Followers, but I have had a really great day. I took Chapel as Mr Lapwood's deputy, which was followed by interesting and challenging lessons, then duty this afternoon with two excellent and conscientious colleagues in the form of Mr Fradgley and Mrs Corry, 'rugby drinks' (which, for the benefit of those new to this blog means an always-enjoyable get together of all the staff in someone's living quarters, accompanied by drinks and nibbles), a really fascinating conversation with a member of the 5th Year over a very decent supper, and a terrific evening in Newton to round everything off. I am really very fortunate.

Incidentally, my ex-pupil, about whom I told you last night, and I realised that he would have left the school at which I was teaching, in 1974! Now that really does make me feel old! I told a class about this wonderful reunion, and informed them that if they were to write in a similar time hence, if you see what I mean, I would be 98. Oh well, here's hoping. (I suspect it's rather more likely that I shall be having earnest discussions with St Peter about my comments about chocolate Advent calendars, however. Still, my father, who was himself ordained, will be able to support me. I hope.) Said pupil and I, however, have arranged to meet for lunch, and it seems that I must have done something right, as he tells me that he has a penchant for fine wine and fast cars .... ! He's a brilliant pianist, too, although 26 years in the City may have taken their toll on that, allegedly.

Have you noticed that 'Dallas' is back on our screens? It's very exciting to Diana and to me, as I think I've told you before, when I was tutoring in L.A. in the 80s, the house where we stayed in Bel Air was being used as part of the set for the series; i.e.: 'our' bedroom was aka Pam Ewing's bedroom - and there it was, yesterday morning, exactly as we remembered it! (I can only see ten minutes of each current episode, between 7.30am and 7.40am, but sure enough, there it was!) There can't be many teachers who have slept in Pam Ewing's bed ......

Enough. By far. Jusqu'a demain.

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