Wednesday 2 May 2012

Yay! We made it onto the cricket pitches today! In Game 6, we had a great game, with everyone trying really hard and impressing me with their ability, as batsmen, bowlers and fielders. It's all looking very promising for the Colts Cs, which is good news for me as their manager for the last time! (Did you know, by the way, that it is the Colts C team of yesteryear that holds the record for dispatching an opposition for the least runs? Cothill, all out for 8.)

I was entertained, as ever, by the LMs tonight; one of whom took one look at my dark blue pullover and pronounced me to be in an angry mood, telling me that I needed to wear something more gentle. Another LM flung his arms around me and burst into tears, telling me that he was sooo sorry that the cricket ball he'd thrown at the stumps had missed an hit me (hardly very hard) on my leg. Another LM helped himself, entirely legally, to a couple of bourbons and a number of carefully-prepared orange segments, and when I asked him if he was having a second supper, he asked me without a flicker whether there was any broccoli to go with it. I told him that it was in the laundry, and again flickerless, he made his way there. (To be fair, he got as far as the three steps, then turned round and gave me a beaming smile with a huge twinkle in his eye.)

That's it for tonight - especially as Mrs C has just pointed out that I haven'r turned the upstairs lights out!


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