Monday 21 May 2012

Sorry folks, you must have been logging on incessantly and finding that this particular cupboard was yet again bare, for which many apologies. The problem has arisen from the fact that Mrs C's aged mother suffered a stroke on Friday, and so we've been a little hors de combat. She's lost the use of her right arm, unfortunately, but things look a little more promising than we thought, because her speech, which she lost for a short while, has come back, and although she's still in hospital, she's regaining some of her former indomitability already .... ! Anyway, as you can imagine, things haven't been all that easy, but my apologies for rendering you, dear Followers, blogless.

I'm delighted to tell you that all of my 'Winchesters' as I call them have been successful in gaining entry to that fine establishment! I'm delighted, of course, and so are they, so 5C was a very happy form this afternoon, as we worked our way through double Latin .... ! We still have work to do, as there are still a number of the form who have to sit CE Level 3, so it's not all dossing and drinking cups of coffee. (Not that it ever was .... )

It's funny how days go, is it not? My morning was full of niggles and irritations (not caused in any way by your LMs), but tonight all seems to have resolved itself and we've had a most enjoyable Newtonian evening, complete with shoe-cleaning and a visit from the lodgemother of the 1990s, Mrs Heinrich, who is now HM's wife at Cumnor House in Sussex. And yes, of course she was roped in to judge the competition, and made a fine job of it, too.

That's it for tonight, so with my congratulations to all my Winchesters, I will bid you all


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