Wednesday 23 May 2012

First of all, there's encouraging news about Mrs C's mama. She's made good progress, and has been moved to what seems to us to be more of a physiotherapy unit at a hospital in Shepton Mallett, from where she spoke to her daughter tonight on the 'phone and seemed in very good spirits. That particular clan are made of stern stuff, as you may already realise (!) and I doubt whether the Matriarch is going to be beaten by some 'silly stroke'!

I knew there was something else I wanted to tell you in the last bloglog. I was playing the piano as the LMs came across, and one of them wandered in, saying, 'Please carry on, sir: that's really beautiful.' Of course, I was deeply flattered by such a gracious compliment, and I thought you might like to know the name of the piece. It's really an organ piece, by Thoedore Dubois, and it's called 'Cantilene Religieuse'. There are several versions of it on YouTube.

The Boys' Garden has at last been declared open, and the table tennis table was in constant use tonight! They seem to love it - although whether Mr and Mrs Bryan, who live in the house on the other side of the hedge appreciate the racket is a moot point. (Funny word, moot. Have you noticed that Google are informing us that it's Robert Moog's birthday today? He of the Moopg synthesiser, so ubiquitous in the 70s and early 80s.)

Don't you just love African nights? Kenyan ones, especially. I say that, because last night Mrs C and I, along with Mr and Mrs Bush, were royally entertained in the lovely Front Lodge gardeny by Mr and Mrs Woodcock, who provided us with the most wonderful meal and sparkling company. It was a night to remember for many years, and just like the nights that Mrs C and I enjoyed in Kenya some years ago.

And finally, Mrs C and a Fifth Year boy managed to get into the final of the BOSFAM tennis this evening, being only narrowly beaten by Mr Woodcock and another Fifth Tear boy.

A lovely day, and a very pleasant Newtonian evening.


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