Monday 30 April 2012

Sun? Was that what we saw today? If it was, it was rather nice. Warm, cheering and enough to raise the spirits. Short-lived, of course, and we're due for another soaking tomorrow, I hear. Hey ho.

'twas all happening here tonight: Fragrance Night kicked off the proceedings, culminating in the place smelling like yet another house of ill repute (as far as I know .... ) and LMs giving off aromae that outdid the finest fruit salads. One of them informed me, with enthusiasm, that he had smothered himself in at least 'ten bodywashes', which I assumed was not a wholly bad thing.

As for the LM who took it upon himself to be so bold as to arrange my ageing silver locks into the shape of a mohawk and inform me that I looked, er, 'cool', I thought it was time to call silent reading, punk look or not. (Not, actually, as unlike most of the residents of this establishment I was able to locate a comb.)

This was followed by shoe-cleaning of brown shoes, with five worthy winners. Mrs C, as clothing supremo, decreed that one pair of suede shoes could be included this week, which led to a most grateful owner thanking tonight's judge - your correspondent - profusely. I responded that perhaps he had swayed my opinion. (Oh come on, laugh.)

It' s Mrs C's birthday tomorrow, and she'll be ..........  It's also the Red Choir outing to Magdalen College to sing Evensong, and that really will be my final outside organ-ing. I've been incredibly fortunate to have played in no less than five of the Oxford college chapels, including, several times, Christ Church Cathedral. Do come along if you can. For those of you who are aficionados of the cathedral repertoire, the music will be Stanford in B flat and Balfour-Gardiner's Evening Hymn. I've selected the first movement of Mendelssohn's Sonata no. 1 as the exit voluntary.

So there we are then. All happy and content here.

Back on Wednesday night.


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