Sunday 29 April 2012

Greetings from a waterlogged Summertown, and it's pouring with rain - again. It might as well be winter, to judge from the view from my 'study' here! Greetings, too, to our new Follower in Taiwan: it's nice to have you with us.

'twas an interesting morning, because I received a text at 9am from the Chaplain, telling me that, unfortunately, he had fallen from a ladder and hurt his back, so therefore the worship-leading this at this morning's service would fall to me. It was good practice for next term, though, as I was required to preach the sermon as well. Oh, and play the organ for the anthem, which I don't think will be part of the deal in the Abbey. (Although the Director of Music has already, it seems, put me down on his provisional organ rota!)

There was a rather lovely social for the 5th Year boys today, arranged by Mr and Mrs Ives of Mayfield. A coachful of girls from Tudor Hall arrived at 12.30, and were given a fine lunch with the boys (and with the staff, of whom Mrs C and I were among the number), then off to the sports hall for some indoor fun (supervised), and then to a disco in Macmillan. Tremendous, we thought, and so did the boys. The Newtonian LMs were opining tonight that just over a year is far too long to wait .... ! (They're grwoing up fast!)

This is bloglog number 488, by the way, so only 12 more to go before the magic 500 is reached. I'll have to try and dream up some suitable way to celebrate .... !

It's still pouring.


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