Thursday 8 July 2010

One hundred and ninety-seven - and counting. Quite where the rest are going to come from (me, obviously) is something of a mystery.

As I passed one of the dorms tonight, I enquired of the three residents therein whether they were planning on visiting the showers. The response 'We're obsessed with massaging, sir' was an interesting one, and perhaps enough said about that. Let's move on.

The nightmare of packing has begun, and cases have begun moving from cupboard to laundry to dorm, and I found myself with clipboard and pencil, issuing instructions left, right and centre. Those involved were particularly helpful, and nothing seemed to go awry at all - which simply serves to remind me that your LMs have grown up a great deal since the beginning of the year.

There were, for a few moments, no lights upstairs tonight. They were, as the young will have it, well-impressed by their lodgemaster's electrical skills, as the lights were re-illuminated.

Amazing how you can impress people by flicking a switch. And no, that one's not a metaphor.

More tomorrow - and it should be an interesting one, for reasons I can't tell you now.


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