Sunday 4 July 2010

Another good, but quasi-emotional day today, as it was 'Leavers' Day', with a good chapel service this morning, and then what some might call lunch after that. To be fair, it was more akin to some semi-Hawaii-an 'hola', or whatever you call Hawaiian celebrations, as such was its theme, and I was bedecked by one of my tutees with Hawaii-an stuff, which made me feel - and look, probably - most uncomfortable. I will restrain myself from making any further comment, as I'd probably disgrace myself if I did. Still, I suppose if all you want is a half-ripe tomato and a dimunitive faggot on a stick, you could do a lot worse. And then there's lunch, of course. (I shall be taken off-air before long if I keep these innuendi going.)

It was our daughter's 21st last yesterday, and we all went off to a well-know restaurant on The High for a celebratory meal. The food was amazing, everyone was on top form, and we all had a great time. Tom and I were so impressed by the standard that we found ourselves coming up with slogans that were pertinent, and so I give you 'There's cod, but my God, there's Quod cod', which I thought rather fine.

We returned to find Mr Randolph in the garden: no, not to worry, we'd asked him to look after Newton in our absence, so, on a beautiful balmy night, Messrs Randolph, Cheater and Cheater polished off une demi-bouteille de Chablis amid much merriment.

I was approached by a mummy. "You know xxxxx xxxxxx, don't you!" Well, as the young will have it, I couldn't help but think 'OMG'. "My goodness, yes!" I replied, "but that was in Rio in 1979!" She then passed on lots of love and best wishes, and I was indeed transported back to Copacabana Beach, Corcovado and all those caiphrinae! I was delighted, of course, to be informed that I had not been forgotten, and was feeling pretty cool about that - until, yes, until, the aforementioned mummy advised me that the lady of whom she spoke was one of her mother's best friends ........

Oh, and just in case you're wondering when Mrs C and I were married: 1981.

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