Friday 9 July 2010

Oh my Lord! What an evening! Just in case you should be thinking that your correspondent might have been a touch stressed of late, it's only because I was charged with the great privilege of providing the farewell 'do' for the BTs. Well, I scripted the event, inveigled a few of my colleagues into getting involved, incorporated the amazing services of Mr Randolph and his merry men, and the whole thing, even though it is unbelievably arrogant of me to say so,was better than even my wildest dreams could have envisaged.The event ended with me, dressed as a crazy Frenchman, narrating the valedictory lines to out leader and his leaderine, and then the whole school singing three verses of 'Abide with me', after an hour and a bit's worth of wonderful enteratainment of every kind, ranging from singing to magic, from oration to comedy. I was, as they say, au dessus de la lune.

Back to lodge thereafter, and back to packing - and then to the lodge party, which was a wonderful affair: crisps, coke, cake and all the things that make up a Newtonian dream. Pinot Grigio for some of us, and Sprite for others; it was, as T S Eliot would definitely have opined, 'satisfactory'. In fact it was a jolly sight more than that: it was tremendous, and every single Newtonian was a joy to entertain in the main Newton garden. Lots of photos, and if I can get them printed, or whatever you do with photos these days (I've only just acquired a digital camera!!) you'll be able to see what it was all about. The Director of Music appeared out of nowehere, as did the Deputy Headmaster, both wanting their whistles wetted, and all of whose were.

And now they're all in bed - and asleep. And you know what? I really think they are.

They've been lovely - and D and will miss them enormously. Thank you for entrusting them to our care, and thank you for all your amazing support and kindness throughout this year. I've loved writing the blog every night, and we've loved your LMs to bits.

It's midnight - and we're going to bed.

Night night.

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