Tuesday 26 January 2010

Thank you, Dr Harskin, for your comment about placing commas before the word 'and'. I endorse what you say entirely, because I've always thought that the notion that 'and' should be preceded commalessly is nonsensical - especially in the light of Mr Mayall's anecdote that a certain author had dedicated a book 'to my parents, Hilda Smith and God'. (Or something like that. You get my drift, I'm sure.)

It seems to have been a spirited evening in Newton tonight, or so Mr Bryan informs me. Apparently, a game of Chinese whispers, which one might have considered to be fairly innocuous, turned into a game of Summerfieldian rumour-mongering, which sounds rather suspect. After lights-out I couldn't help but hear a miscellany of thumping from above, but either Newtonians are wily enough to cease all nocturnal activity before their Leader manages to get through the drawing room door (you'll be my age one day - you wait), or I'm beginning to hear things that aren't happening. If you see what I mean.

I think that'll do for tonight.

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