Wednesday 13 January 2010

Greetings, Followers. Newton is up, running and back to the surreal. How so? Well, limbo dancing and sea-monkeys, for a start, accompanied by birthday cake a-plenty, cookies and fruit. Yes, that's right, you did read 'limbo dancing'. It all happened by accident, really: I was standing by a door, leaning with my arm across the opening. One Newtonian thought that it would be good to start limbo-ing, so of course loads of others did, too. And no, I didn't. Japanese ballet is quite enough for me, thank you.

All the unpacking was done, and I'm pleased to report that British Airways will need to look no further than your offspring when they need luggage packers, as two Newtonians did the most marvellous job of stacking all the cases in the cupboard.

Now, of course, they're all asleep. Apart from the two in the dorm next to where I'm typing, who are gurgling away, quietly, contentedly - and I'm just about to go and pull the plug out.

It's good to have them back,

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