Friday 30 April 2010

I expect all the remains of the broken teacups in Oxfordshire and its neighbouring counties have been cleared away now - and I'm delighted to learn that at least a few of my readers were not wholly displeased to learn that my spouse and I do not intend to disappear over the horizon in the immediate future. I was once told, by a sagacious former employer, that in any position of leardership one should hope only that one could please '50 per cent of the people 50 per cent of the time'. He was right. Another very wise headmaster for whom I had great respect advised the parents gathered in front of him one Speech Day that if they (we) promised to believe only 50 per cent of what they heard from their children about what happened at school, then he would promise to believe only 50 per cent of what his pupils told him about what went on at home. As I said, he was a wise man. It never ceases to amaze me that so much seems to be received as gospel truth when, to coin Mr Lamont's word, the 'actualite' (sorry, can't do accents) is not quite the same. When I had the misfortune to be - sorry, when I was for a short time in my professional career - a headmaster, my Head of Pre-prep came to me in tears, to tell me that, try as she might, she could not persuade a mother to believe that her six-year-old son had not, in fact, been locked in a cupboard for the best part of the day. "My son does not lie!" she was told. Oh, you'd never believe it if I told you the rest.

My apologies. Just a bit of personal musing while I've had the time. No doubt, as I type, our Newtonians are starting to make their way home. We've missed them - a lot - and we're genuinely looking forward to seeing them again. It's their wonderful repartee I miss most, and the sense of fun that they engender. They are a lovely bunch, and it's a real privilege and pleasure to see them metamorphose from 'little boys' when they arrive to much older boys as the year progresses. The angst that goes with running Newton is minimal - and well worth it.

A number of loyal Followers have asked how they might comment on this blog. Well, I tried it, and it seems that all that is necessary is simply to set up a Googlemail e-mail address and then you will be granted access to the 'comment' box. I think that should work, but if it doesn't, then I think Dr H can advise. He's a regular commentator - as you have no doubt seen.

AH! A wonderful old E-type Jaguar has just parked on Mayfield Road! I must go and take a look! More tomorrow - and thanks for reading, as always.

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